The type of oil you use and how often you change it are crucial to making sure that your car performs to an optimum level for as long as possible. This is because oil plays an important role in keeping engine components clean, minimising friction, reducing heat and preventing corrosion. Using the wrong type of…
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Ask the Mechanic: Why does my engine light keep coming on?
Some people think that the check-engine light is a complete mystery. It's supposed to be a warning about potential troubles and needed auto repairs. There is no definitive one-size-fits-all answer as to why the light is coming on. However, in this "Ask the Mechanic" blog entry we'll cover the top reasons and give you a brief…
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Ask the Mechanic: What should I do before a road trip?
Summer is here, and it’s one of the most popular times to hit the road for a holiday. But before you start packing the kids into the car and plugging in the GPS, run through these top tips to make your trip as smooth as possible. Give your car some TLC Before you leave home,…
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Ask the Mechanic: Why does my car make a clunking sound when I put it in gear?
It's always a little unnerving when your vehicle starts making a noise you've never heard before. It can be especially disturbing when you feel the noise it's making reverberating through the whole car. If this is the case, you should ask a mechanic to take a look. Until you can get it checked over, here…
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